How to schedule a customer multiple times in a week using Plus on Paythepoolman

We are going to look at scheduling customers multiple times a week using Paythepoolman Plus. This is for those customers that you are going to be servicing on Tuesday/Thursdays or Monday/Wednesday/Friday. We are going to go to routing, click service routing, and then select an employee.

We will go ahead and do Monday Wednesday Friday. Starting on Monday you will see the customer you want to route in green. You will click and drag the customer over on Monday and drop them. Once you’ve done this you will see their name is now orange because they have been routed for the week.

Then you will click Wednesday click, drag and, drop the same customer.

You will then repeat the same steps for Friday.

It is just that easy with Paythepoolman Plus. Thank you for reading and have a great day.