How to see what pools your employee has completed and not finished for the day using Paythepoolman

We will be using plus to view how many pools your employee has finished and what pools they haven’t. This helps you check up on their progress so you can see what they are able to finish. So you start on your main dashboard for plus.

Then you can click on the employee’s name, how many remaining, or how many are done. When we click on our employee we see he has finished two pools and has three remaining.

When your finished viewing your employee just hit back on your browser and it will take you back to your main page. This feature helps not only keep track of employees but will show you what pools you will need to reroute later in the week. Thanks so much!

How to schedule a customer multiple times in a week using Plus on Paythepoolman

We are going to look at scheduling customers multiple times a week using Paythepoolman Plus. This is for those customers that you are going to be servicing on Tuesday/Thursdays or Monday/Wednesday/Friday. We are going to go to routing, click service routing, and then select an employee.

We will go ahead and do Monday Wednesday Friday. Starting on Monday you will see the customer you want to route in green. You will click and drag the customer over on Monday and drop them. Once you’ve done this you will see their name is now orange because they have been routed for the week.

Then you will click Wednesday click, drag and, drop the same customer.

You will then repeat the same steps for Friday.

It is just that easy with Paythepoolman Plus. Thank you for reading and have a great day.

Easily search for customers while routing in Paythepoolman Plus

We will be using our plus program to see how easy it is to search while routing. While on the plus dashboard you will go ahead and go to routing and select service routing. We then select our employee and say we are going to schedule their Monday.

Well now we have added in a search bar. So instead of scrolling through your entire list of customers you type their name or company name into the search bar and they will pop up.

This search bar is efficient, convenient, and made to save you a lot of time. Thanks so much have a great day

How to print your employees route in Paythepoolman Plus

We are going to walk through how to print out an employee’s route in case they would like to keep in their truck or you would like to reference it. In order to start we have to first access our plus dashboard. We then go to routing and service routing. And then we go ahead and select an employee.

We can see we only have one orange customer meaning we only have one routed. We can go ahead and view any date and it is always going to give us the option to print our employee’s route.

When we open this up we can see our company name, who the route sheet is for, and the company logo. It also lists off what pools this employees has on certain days and what days they do not have pools scheduled.

Though this is an online system that can be viewed at any time we have had customer requests for a printable option for quick references. So we went ahead and did that for them and their convenience. Thank you for reading and have a great day.